Quality Policy


Leaders Care was founded with a vision to deliver innovative quality care services to improve lifestyle, wellbeing, learning, and social engagement possibilities for people with disability, their families and caregiver. Leaders Care pioneered in providing tailored Person-Centred services and strengths-based support through multicultural team with diverse qualifications, backgrounds, capacities, and responsibilities.

Leaders Care is committed to empower people with disability to enable opportunities of choice and control. Strive to provide outstanding client services that will open up chances for accomplishment, inclusion, and choice at home, in the community and in the workplace.


The above will be achieved by;

  • Create a quality management system that complies with ISO 9001 standards.
  • Formulate quantifiable and measurable goals and targets.
  • Assure that only professional Leaders Care staff and support workers who are competent and trained provide services to clients.
  • Ensure compliance with all regulations and laws governing the provision of care.
  • Promoting a culture of continual improvement within Leaders Care.
  • Assuring the highest degree of client satisfaction.



All Leaders Care staff are committed to:

  • Provide and deliver outstanding customer service across all services.
  • Compliance with laws and regulations governing the standards of performance, safety, and quality in all Leaders Care service locations.

These obligations will be fulfilled by clearly defined and regularly evaluated quality goals, a common quality culture, a dedication to excellence, and unwavering integrity.



  • The Leaders Care director is ultimately responsible for and in charge of enforcing this policy.
  • The director delegated final responsibility and power to the Quality & Compliance Manager.
  • Leaders Care Business Unit Managers are accountable for adhering to this policy.
  • All staff and employees have the authority to be in charge of ensuring that this policy is followe


Walid Elfadil,


Leaders Care


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